Enrollment at the Crest Academy

Thank you for your interest in the Crest Academy!


January 27, 2025

Hello Prospective Crest Families!

My name is Kristie Servis and I'm the Principal of The Crest Academy here in Salida, Colorado. We are reaching out to share with you pertinent information you need if you are interested in your student attending The Crest Academy for the 2025-2026 school year. If you don't know much about the Crest Academy, HERE is a quick informational flier for you. Below are important dates you should mark on your calendar...

On Monday, February 24th at 5:30 pm we will be having a parent information session held at our school (627 Oak Street). During that time we will give an overview of our school/program, we will give you information about upcoming shadow days and we will explain the enrollment process. This session is not mandatory, but is highly recommended so you can come meet our staff, see our facility, and learn more about us.

On March 5 (Longfellow) & March 6 (Montessori, out-of-district) we will be hosting a shadow day with any students who are interested in coming to our school. This is optional, but it's a wonderful chance for students to experience what it's like to be a Crest llama for the morning! If your student chooses not to attend the planned shadow mornings, that is fine, but please note we cannot make separate accommodations.

Reach out to our School Counselor, Katie Larson (klarson@salidaschools.org) if you would like your child to attend a shadow day. Please include your student’s full name, your name and relationship, their school and teacher if they attend Longfellow. Please email by March 3 to enable us to plan for their visit. A sign up will also be available at our parent information session.

On March 10, 2025 we will send out the following links via email & post them on the website:


  • Lotterease Registration Link: You will fill out the Registration form providing your student’s information. This registration will get you into the Lotterease system.

  • Upon completing the registration, you will receive an email with a Link for Parents to View the Applicant List: This is where you can see that your application is filled out – that way you don’t have to call the school to ask if we received it.

  • Parent & Student Interest Google Forms: Once you’ve completed the Lotterease Registration, in an email you will also be given 2 other links to Google forms. These forms better understand why you and your student are interested in The Crest. You must fill out those 2 forms as well in order to have a complete application.

To be crystal clear, a completed application is:

  • Completed Lotterease Registration

  • 2 Completed Google Forms (Student Interest & Parent Interest)

Note: If your application is not complete, you will not be entered into the lottery.

March 24 at 8:30am is the deadline to complete the FULL APPLICATION (Lotterease Registration, 2 Google Forms) to be entered into the lottery. There are no extensions or exceptions, so please plan accordingly.

April 1, 2025 Lotterease will pull the lottery. Siblings of current Crest students and children of FULL-TIME district employees will be prioritized. Additionally, per district policy, in-district students are prioritized over out-of-district students.

April 1, 2025 is when you will be notified by Lotterease if you have been accepted or placed on to the waiting list. If you are accepted, you will have 7 days to confirm your seat. If you don’t confirm in 7 days, Lotterease will place you at the bottom of the waitlist and will move on to the next student. There are no extensions or exceptions, so please plan accordingly.

NOTE: If you are unsure about whether to attend Crest or SMS, we recommend that you accept your seat at the Crest and then decline it later. If you don’t accept your seat in the 7 day window, it will automatically be given to the next person in line.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the front office at 719.530.5390 or email us:
Kristie Servis (Principal): kservis@salidaschools.org
Katie Larson (School Counselor): klarson@salidaschools.org
Amy Courtney (Secretary): acourtney@salidaschools.org
